Building God's Kingdom!

The short history of St. Barnabas Anglican Church is a beautiful one, abounding in faith, hope, and love. So it is with these virtues, and always together in prayer, that we are moving forward in the search for our permanent home. Our current space has been an enormous blessing, but the owners have a timetable and plans that don’t include a space for St. Barnabas.

With this in mind, God has turned our attention to the
Presbyterian church that is for sale on Highway 29 and Country
Club Road, less than two miles from our current location.


As of this writing, the due diligence period continues, and inspections and meetings with prospective contractors are scheduled and taking place. The church property at 53 Country Club Dr. has a lot of potential, both in the immediate term and for future growth. If the results of the due diligence period are positive, and the financing and purchase go through, we would immediately move forward with renovations on the existing building and with an initial expansion, giving us a little more room than what is currently there.


The current floor plan (not perfectly to scale).




The sanctuary as it looks today.



One vision of how the sanctuary may look
after renovations.


Right now, our initial goal is to raise money for the purchase of the property. The purchase price is $460,000. As of this writing, we already have $160,000 raised! Three weeks ago that would have sounded preposterous. But thanks to the generosity and sacrificial giving of St. Barnabas members, we now have slightly more than a third of the purchase price. Just imagine if we raised the entire amount needed for the purchase? Would you please pray specifically for this goal? If you would like to contribute financially, you can do so by giving online through the link below, mailing in your gift to our mailing address, or bringing your designated gift to the church. 

Thank you, my friends! I am so grateful for your prayers, your support, and the gift of sharing this life of Faith in Jesus together. I cannot wait to see what God does through St. Barnabas!

In Him,

Father Joey