On the cross, Jesus overcame the power of sin and death and demonstrated the incredible love of God the Father for his lost and broken children. In Christ, God offers us salvation, spiritual and physical healing, and complete restoration. We share these stories to give testimony to God’s power and faithfulness, to offer hope and encouragement to others and to celebrate what the Spirit of God has done in our midst.

To receive healing prayer, come to the chapel on Sunday mornings during Communion or after the service.

The following testimonies are shared with the permission of individuals. When asked to, we have used different names in their testimony.

When Steven was a couple days old, and at this point, we were only part-time attendees at St. Barnabas, so this was months before I came to that prayer class with you all. I was not big on praying and didn't truly understand the power of it. Well, the first or second day home with Steven, I remember laying in bed at night, and those ugly postpartum feelings started coming on. I started feeling regret for changing up our life and how much another kid would change the dynamic (how silly!), and I started feeling myself going down a bad path mentally. I had bad postpartum depression after Connor and took Zoloft after Declan was born to prevent it from happening again, and I hated taking meds because it dulled my emotions. Well, when I started having those thoughts that night, I immediately felt the urge to pray, which I now know was HIS urging. I begged Him to take it away and to see the joy that this new life was bringing to our family. I swear to you, I never had a single thought like that again. It was the best postpartum period I had, even despite it being not even a year after my dad had passed. I forget about that moment sometimes, but THAT was the very first time I experienced any type of healing through prayer. I think that was the moment that made me so much more rooted in Him.

Spoiler: This account might seem like TMI for some folks, but I submit it so that maybe other men who are faced with this medical issue will be encouraged to seek help and not live with unnecessary pain and inconvenience. And that they derive courage to move ahead from the Lord Almighty, our healer and comforter.

Larry Davis
Six years ago, I went to a noted urologist because I had trouble passing urine. The doctor found a small spot of cancer in my bladder. He removed it, but said my bladder had no feelings in it (Neurogenic), and he’d have to perform an Urolift to tack up my greatly enlarged prostate in order for me to pass urine on my own. The procedure did not work as hoped, and I had to catheterize myself twice a day ever since. This procedure caused many UTI infections, hospital visits, and discomfort.

Finally, with encouragement from my wife Sue, I found a new urologist, who said he thought he could help me. My wife and I talked it over and prayed about it. Once we scheduled the surgery, I began to get nervous. I’m almost 74 and I was afraid at first that something might go really wrong.

Sue led to the way to request prayers from the St. Barnabas prayer team, which she is part of. We asked for a safe and successful operation and a calming of my fears. On February 13, the doctor performed a TURP, (Transurethral Resection of the Prostate), actually removing a very large piece of the organ. Of course, we had prayers from the SB Prayer Ministry as well as family and friends, and we both went into the hospital with hope and a rather shaky confidence that all would turn out well. The prayer team covered us all day and kept in touch with my wife often via email and text as the doctor ran 3 hours late after a very difficult surgery ahead of us. We honestly were afraid he might be too tired at 6 pm to do his best for me.

Before going home, I was given a prescription for narcotic pain pills, which I never filled, but I ended up not even needing so much as a Tylenol! Not in this whole month of recovery! Any bleeding was minimal to none. The first thing I noticed was that I had the feeling of having to urinate – the first time in six years that I felt that! No more catheters! I wrapped some of my old ones up and sent them to my brother, who is just now suffering with the same problems as I had. I was able to encourage him and educate him on his options.

Yes, I deal with some urgency, which should subside as time goes by, but I’ll deal with that any day. I’ve ended my 6 weeks of restrictions and have been a clean bill of health. I thank God every day for watching over me and the medical staff.

We thank God for the Saint Barnabas family, and especially the prayer ministry who always surrounds us in love.

Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases. Psalm 103:2-3

Sophia and her 2 grown daughters were on a road trip to North Carolina to attend a memorial service for Sophia’s older sister. There were lots of emotions about attending the memorial since her sister, Marie, had borderline personality disorder and treated all 5 of her siblings, her husband, and even her children very meanly much of the time. She died at age 83 from complications of dementia and diabetes. The three of them debated for a long time over making the trip, since their feelings were so filled with past hurt. However, they realized that Marie, like everyone else, survived life’s challenges the best she knew how, considering her mental issues. They all decided they have forgiven her past hurts to them, and even felt empathy for the life she ended up living. They actually were happy that she was now out of physical and emotional pain, and in the arms of Jesus.

Sophia talked to the prayer team at St. Barnabas about her mixed feelings and fear of what emotions might pop up despite her best intentions. She prayed for a safe trip, a healing trip, and comfort for all the family members involved.

Before leaving home, Sophia and her daughters said a prayer for safe travel for them and others traveling to the memorial and for emotional comfort and peace for the family members. While heading up Interstate 85 in North Georgia, Sophia and her daughters noticed an 18 wheeler truck swerving slightly to the right, and then back to the middle. This continued for a couple miles and they watched him go farther and farther to the right, almost hitting the guardrail a few times. They all 3 feared for his life, as well as for those traveling behind him at 65 mph. One daughter, a former truck driver herself, got on the phone to 911 to explain what was happening and the other daughter debated whether to try to get by him or to just stay back until she could be sure of her safety in passing him.

Without warning, the danger escalated exponentially as the truck driver suddenly swerved far left, traveling directly in front of Sophia and her two daughters and ending up going off the highway to the left and onto the median, which luckily, did not have a guardrail at that point, or he would have crashed into the rail, thus causing Sophia and her girls to crash into the tractor trailer, as there was no time to stop or to swerve into another lane.

The daughter on the phone with 911 narrated what was happening in real time, while Sophia looked for mile markers to point to the location. They all held their breath and prayed while that huge truck rumbled down the grassy median which, to their relief, was free of trees or other obstacles. The trio of women feared the truck would flip on its side at any moment; however, the semi finally slowed and stopped in the middle of the mud left from days of rainfall. Sophia and her girls breathed a prayer of thanksgiving, asking for the health and well-being of the driver, and in thanksgiving for their safe extraction from a possibly deadly accident.

On their way back to Georgia, the ladies looked for the site of the incident, and were amazed at the fact that only in the one area of median where their no guardrails or trees. The sliding area was completely free of obstructions. If the truck driver had gone off the road just a little sooner or later, it would not have ended so well for the truck or other drivers!

To the ladies’ relief, the memorial service was very comforting and the chance to visit with cousins, second cousins, nieces and a nephew, and a couple in-laws, was cathartic for all of them. Thank you Jesus!

“For he shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.” Psalm 91:11-12

To God be the Glory

When Jan’s 29-year-old granddaughter, Meagan, was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer in the spring of 2023, Jan knew there was no question of what her first move would be. She fell on her knees and approached her loving savior Jesus Christ with a sure faith that Jesus would intervene and help her granddaughter through this terrible ordeal. Jan knew that the Lord doesn’t guarantee an easy trek through this life, or sure healing of illness; however, He does promise to walk with us through every circumstance. That’s what Jan leaned on as she, her family, and her friends spent days and weeks storming the gates of heaven with prayers of deliverance and healing for Meagan.
Despite excellent medical care, and a walk of faith by many, the cancer spread to Meagan’s liver. Continuing to call upon the Lord with faith and trust, an army of prayer warriors from St. Barnabas Anglican Church in Newnan and many friends and family members, interceded on Meagan’s behalf, asking God to remove every cancer cell from her body.
The liver surgery occurred, leaving the surgeon distressed that the laparoscopic surgery had not allowed him to remove a third tumor. Meagan needed to return for more extensive surgery in less than 24 hours. Again the prayer army petitioned the Father to guide the surgeon and his medical team to successfully remove all the cancer in the liver. When the second surgery was completed, the surgeon met the family smiling. There had been a fourth tumor that had not shown on any PET scan or MRI but was discovered during the second surgery and removed. Family and friends prayers were answer, all the cancer had been removed successfully.
To God be the Glory
Covid has devastated many lives, and like some others viruses, it just refuses to go away sometimes. It has made prayers and believers out of many who never thought to approach the Lord with physical complaints that weren’t critical. Beth is NOT one of those people. Her prayer discipline is deep and rich in all aspects of her life, enhanced by a group of prayer partners from St. Barnabas. This is just one of her stories of answered prayer.
“Covid made the rounds through our home in January. I was the last to get sick on January 14. Thankfully, I had a mild case, only requiring OTC medication to manage the symptoms. The next week, I was able to rest and get through it easily. However; as January moved on, I was aware that I was not sick, but I was not well, either. "Unwell" describes how I felt. I continued having nagging nasal and ear issues. 
“After I received communion on February 11, I felt called to go to the Chapel at the back of the Sanctuary and ask the Prayer Team to pray over me. I was happy to see Jan, Kathryn, and Ashlyn there as I have strong relationships with Jan and Kathryn, my long time Sisters in Christ and two very strong prayer warriors. Ashlyn and I had never met before. The power of the Holy Spirit was strong as Jan Taylor geared up for prayer. I removed my glasses and Jan put her hand on the right side of my face and right ear. She prayed a powerful prayer.
“Later that afternoon, I was suddenly aware that I was no longer "unwell." For the first time in weeks, my right ear was clear and my nasal passage was not clogged. I quickly texted Jan and Kathryn to report that I had not felt this well in weeks and that I appreciated them praying for me that morning. I was not surprised that the laying on of hands healed by pain immediately, but I was so grateful to the Lord for honoring our faithful prayers.”
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24
To God be the Glory
From Nancy, a prayer warrior who just discovered she is one. Nancy was so moved by the spirit on Sunday at St. Barnabas Anglican Church after hearing her friend’s answered prayer testimony, that she felt she had to share her recent story of answered prayer with her husband, Nathan. Nathan had a terrible cough for almost a month -- ever since having Covid. A few weeks ago, without thinking it through, Nathan took off his protective gear at work in a house that had been 
on fire because he was told by a colleague it was clear to do so. However, when Nathan breathed in, he immediately started coughing more. It’s not clear if that worsened his cough or if it caused a new problem in his lungs.
Shortly after that, Nancy told Nathan about her friend’s answered prayer from Sunday morning during their prayer time in the chapel, and she told him he should go to the team for prayer for his cough, if it's still bothering him the next time he's at church. The following night Nancy heard him coughing hard and felt like God was telling her that she needed to lay her hands on Nathan right on the spot where that tickle in his throat had remained, and pray for healing. She was hesitant because she is really shy about praying aloud with anyone other than their kids, but Nancy finally worked up the courage and did it. Nathan hasn't really coughed since. Not even once overnight! “I'm truly in awe,” Nancy said later. “I'm so grateful to have been there to experience everything with the prayer team on Sunday so that it gave me the confidence to listen to the Holy Spirit and follow through.”
God is directing us, even when we are hesitant to obey. He gives us the push we need at times when we need strength and courage.
“For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I
will help you.” Isaiah 41:13 (NIV
Note: names have been changed to protect privacy.
To God be the Glory

Reach Out

If you need prayer, if you want to share an answered prayer, or if you want to have a member of our prayer team or clergy contact you, please reach out. We are none of us alone.

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"The LORD bless you and keep you;  the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." AMEN. Numbers 6:24-26